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How could a steroid be naturally occurring? Actually, several plants found in the wild have been known to contain steroidal evidence, but it was only recently that the chemical has been able to be extracted and reproduced on large scale. And because it’s derived from plants and not biologically like testosterone, it fits the requirements of a dietary supplement completely approved by the FDA.

The plant steroid we’re so excited about is called Laxogenin. For athletes and bodybuilders it increases protein synthesis by over 200%, while significantly boosting metabolism within days of use and noticeable strength and muscle gains in as little as 2-3 weeks of starting.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Anogenin is that it is completely undetectable by every major drug testing organization in the world including WADA and Major League Baseball!!! Once again, athletes and chemists are outsmarting the system. This is possible because Anogenin does not increase testosterone levels and therefore will not trigger a test to epitest prohibited ratio. So for every guy out there wondering if your job tests for gear, you can now have peace of mind in knowing you’re good-to-go with Anogenin.

Not Liver Toxic

-Can Be Taken By Women

-Increases Protein Metabolism

-Increases Nitrogen Retention

-Decreases Cortisol

-Undetectable On Steroid Test

-Can be used on cycle & PCT

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